Saturday, February 4, 2012

I couldn't think of a better first full day here on the blog than today.  Why, you may ask? Well I will tell you.  This is National Libraries Day in the United Kingdom.  I was first made aware of the plight of UK libraries a few months back, and as you might expect, was horrified.  Regardless of their mission, all libraries, in their essence, really are after the same thing: doing the most for our patrons to enhance their learning and their lives.  That can involve many things, and intellectual pursuits happen across many mediums.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I am, in libraries, a pluralist above all things.  Books and electronic resources both have their place.

However, I let's get back to it.  I was deeply concerned to hear about the issues that surround public libraries in the UK.  It blows my mind to see Cllrs. seriously considering cutting library funding.  They are one of the most necessary services any government can offer their populations. Libraries offer new worlds to people that might not otherwise be able to afford them.  Better yet, people are exposed to new things at absolutely no cost to them.  If libraries were to go away, or be reduced, that's less time, if any, that people have to experience the world that exists outside of their community.

I realize that I am writing this from an American point of view, but I would argue that any librarian or library staff member has the duty of advocating for libraries worldwide, regardless of what type of library they work at or where that library is located.

So, I will close with this from the NLD website: "National Libraries Day is devoted to all types of libraries, library users, staff and supporters across the UK. Join in by organising a celebratory event, contributing to our forums, tweeting with the #NLD12 hashtag and visiting your local library on the 4 February or the week leading up to it. How will you get involved?"

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